Sunday 1 December 2013


The Brahmachariya

  • In ancient times, there had been four Asramas( restricted and ordained life system which is adhered to in life span, which had been considered as worldly orders) they are Brahmacharya, Grahastya, Vanaprastha and Sanyasa. The safety of the worldly creations and the thirst for ralisation of God is the reason behind this.
  • It is the God who is the creator of this universe, who himself ordained this laws. The GRUHASTHA ASRAMA is established for achieving the worldly pleasures and durability of life and the SANYASA ASRAMA is for the spiritual welfare after the death. The BRAHMACHARYA is a preparatory period before the GRUHASTHA AND VANAPRASTHA is also the same period before the SANYASA.
  • A man can act on only one aspect at a time, but the gods can many. This is the result of Yoga Sakthi in the Gods, which differs man from gods. Since having this power the god becomes God. All the incarnations are the one and the same God. All the stories are related to spiritual truths. 

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