Sunday 1 December 2013

The Knowledge of the Divine Truth Of 18 Steps


Sabarimala, which is surrounded by 18 great mountains, having thick forests in the sides and valleys. In midst of these forests , the divine steps and after the 18 steps the idol of the illuminated One likes folklore.
In the story of spirituality the 18 has some importance. In the Hindu Dharma, there is a samkalpa of one, zero and eight. This 108 has a great spiritual effect.. The one is the Paramathma, the zero is the Maya the eight is the eight formed natural Jivathma. This is represented by a necklace having 108 pearls, 108 names of god, totality of 4 Vedas, 20 Smrutis, 18 Purnas, 64 Tanthra Sasthras, and two epics and so on. There are 18 chapters in the Mahabharata and also in Gita. 

If the zero in the middle of the 108 is removed and 1 and the 8 come close together as 18.. Threveals, if the zero, i.e. maya is removed from between, the 8 is the Jeevathma and the 1 i.e. the Paramathma and they can easily rejoin together. Therfore, we can understand that 18 the number for realization of God. The 18 epics also reveal the Reality. The 18 mountains around the Sabarimala and the 18 steps to reach the abode of Ayyappa also reveal the Reality. 

According to the Tantricism and Yogaic sciences, within the back bone of a human being there is a Nadi (a pulsate vein) called Sushumma. There are six Chakras (circles or points) related to sushumma from its bottoms. Mooladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipuraka, Anahatha, Visuddhi, and Aajna. At the far end of the top of these charkas, there is a seventh one called Sahasrara over the head. There is a small Charka or Upachakra, viz., Lambika between Anahatha and Visudhi. From the Aajna charka, in the middle of the forehead, go a head measuring a width of finger each, the 12th point is the centre of the head, and this plate is the Sahasrara. 

Therefore the 7th Chakra, the Sahasrara, according to the Thantricism, is called “Dwadasanthyam”. At the far end of the six charkas and the 12 points, the abode of the ‘Paramathma ‘is revealed. This secret of Yoga sasthra is concealed by the 18 steps (12+6) in front of Dharma Sasta.

Importance of 18

  • Puranas 18
  • Battle of Mahabharath 18 Days
  • Chapters of Bhagawadgeetha 18
  • War between Lord Rama & Ravana 18 Days
  • Peetahms18
  • Mahabharath Episodes18
  • Akshowhins participated in battle of Mahabharath 18 
  • Famous Languages 18

18 Hills in the premises of Sabarimala Shrine 

  1. Kaalaikatti 
  2. Inzippaarakota 
  3. Pudhucherimala 
  4. Karimala
  5. Neelimala 
  6. Thalapparaimala 
  7. Nilakkalmala 
  8. Sreepaadhamala
  9. Devarmala 
  10. Mayilaadummedu 
  11. Chitrambalamedu 
  12. Kalkimala
  13. Maathangamala 
  14. Sundaramala 
  15. Naagamala 
  16. Goundanmala
  17. Sabarimala 
  18. Ponnambalamedu 

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