Sunday 1 December 2013

The Black Dothi & Mala

The Black Dothi & Mala

  • Five Basic Roots: There are five basic roots of signs of creations, according to Thantricsm, Niram(colour), Gunam(feature/quality), Rupam(figure), Bhavam(nature) and Kriya(action). Each and every creation in this Universe has a colour or mixed colours and Gunas will also be along with colours. Everything has a Rupa(shape or figure).

  • Bhavas: Bhavas come out of the above factors. All the actions are depending upon the Bhavas.

  • The Creator: All the creations project their own Gunas and they may be understood by us. When we look to a baby deer and a snake, for example, we will feel the nature of both the creatures. The Creator has no such features and He is Swambhu (originated without any cause). He has no Niram, no Roopam, no Bhavam and no Karma and he is out of all these characteristics.

  • Five Colours Vs Nature: When we think about colours, there are five of them as basis in the creations, which are white, yellow, red, blue and green. These colours represent respectively sky, air, fire, water and earth.

  • Blackness: Thantricism declares the basic important colour is black. The black may be considered as colourlessness, like night. The real colour of the Universe is deep black. The blackness is the symbol of eternity and spirit. Kali is black and Krishna is also black.

  • Chandanam & Tulasi: It is to reveal the Saiva-Vaishnava relation by a devotee of Ayyappa by wearing Rudrakshas as necklace, the necklace of basil and the marking of Bhasma, Chandanam on the forehead. The Bhasma awakens the self realization and Chandanam helps to keep Dharma. Rudraksha makes Viruthi(repudiation) and self control and the Thulasi retains the thinking of God.

  • Total renunciation of Bhoga: Not to cut the hair and the beard is the reflection of total renunciation of Bhoga. The thing of body denies Bhakthi. To be pious, we have to renounce body consciousness.

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