Sunday 1 December 2013

Interpretation of “Tatwamasi"

Interpretation of “Tatwamasi"

  • Thath Thwam Asi= Thou art you. This word of message is from the Chando gyopanishat, means “That is you” The diffusion of the word is Thath. Thwam. Asi. Thath means that thwam means ‘you and Asi means is.. 
  • When we stand in front of a mirror and point out to that, the reflection of us will also point out in return. The thing which is in front of a mirror is the image and the same which is seen on the mirror is the reflection. The idol of Eswara is called image. The image of god sees the reflection of us on the mirror of world. 
  • The reflection on the mirror has no life or existence and it is not real. But we feel that it has life and existence and it is real. This phenomenon is called Maya. It is not only for us but for even the universe has no reality. The God is the only real one. All are its manifestations. It is only the reflection of God and his reality of it is felt as You and Yourself. Thath is consciousness of the oneself and it is also the God itself. 
  • As per the laws of creation of universe the God has not created any difficulties or grievances or problems. A lot of problem occurs in the worldly life. The reason for that is, not other thing but the thought of your “SELF”, which you cannot avoid anyway. 
  • It is the only one thing that is ‘YOU’ which creates all the problems form the within of you. The reality beyond the experience of our life reveals truth saying ‘Thou art you’. Otherwise, the feeling of your ‘Self or ego is really the Thath i.e., god. If you felt your ego, that is your inner most soul or consciousness or Eswara. 
  • It is the man’s own desire for existence creates impediments in the flow of life and un-comfortfulness. It is the ‘You’ creates problems against your life; think ‘Thathwamasi’. Provide light to destroy shade. 
  • To avoid darkness or shade of all the difficulties and grievances form your life which are created by your own ego, self or pride, you have to go to the light of God. For this satisfaction, all the people arrive at the light of Sri. Ayyappa to destroy their own ahantha, the egotism and all will end in bliss.

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