Sunday 1 December 2013

The Chinmudra Yoga patta

The Chinmudra Yoga patta

  • The images of the Gods or Goddesses are always encarved in four types, viz. Pathmasan, Siddhasan, Vajra and Gomugha. There are some secret and minute aspects in creating idols according to the Thantricism. The idols on which the power of God is to be consecrated; the imagination about the Murthi, should be in the image of eyes opened and awakened form.. This state is called Vishranthibhaava or Jagratho Bhaava. 
  • When a new idol is brought, its eyes might not have been opened earlier. It is only opened by the Architect at the time of consecration poojas. Among other deities, the image of Ayyappa is very different. The style of this Asana (state of sitting) may be called Arddha Asana, Yoga Padasana or Yoga ruddha Siddhasana, but reveals the mood of ascerticism, the Tapobhava. Why there is binding of knees with a cloth in the style of sitting of Ayyappa while he is holding the Yogamudra?. The feet of a Yogi who is in Tapovruthi (in the ascetic calmness) will never let deviate his legs.
  • When a man or a woman bends his or her legs whether it is on the right or left, there is a hidden meaning which is worldly related. A male God when he is seen holding his left leg folded, may be considered that he is willing or expecting to sit his lady over it. The left side is considered as for wife. The wife is imagined to be seated on the left thy of husband. If it is the right leg folded it may be considered as for the son or for the daughter. The idols for goddesses are also carved in such a sense of thinking. 
  • In our Devatha Sankalpas most of them may be with the imagination of Saparivara (having spouse and off springs on both sides). But the concept of Ayyappa is in the imagination of Brahmachari. Thus he has no need to fold his legs because he has no wife or off springs. Since Ayyappa is a Brahmachari and an ascetic, his idol is made in the form of sitting but the legs have been risen a little and it reveals that his legs has been given to nobody to sit aside. He has also bound his two knees and his back with Yoga Patta. 
  • Almost all the gods and goddesses (in images) are seen sitting on ‘Simha Asana’ ( the royal chair with two images of lions on both sides). But Ayyappa sitting on a peedam. There is a difference in sitting on a chair and on a peedam on the feet. The man who sits on a chair feels comfortable that his hips are in safety to keep the whole body in a balance. That kind of sitting is in one way ‘Bhoga Roopa’ (enjoyful). But the man who is sitting on his feet is not in a joyful way but in a Yoga Bhava (in the mood of ascerticism or Dhayana Bhava). 
  • What is Jnana Mudra or Chin Mudra?. You might have heard of the word Sachidananda. This word is constructed with three words, viz., Sath Chit and Ananda. Sath means real, Chit means energetic and dynamic, Ananda means the experience of all the comforts and calmness. 
  • The mudras are unavoidable in the Pooja performances. One of these Mudras is Jnana mudra or Chin mudra. From the little finger on the right palm, the second and the third respectively, held upright withbending, the tips of the fourth finger and the thumb gets closed and touched, this position of mudra is called Jnana Mudra. The right hand of Ayyappa is adorned with this mudra. The three unbent and straight fingers represent Sath, Chit and Ananda, the features of Athma. When we see the palm, we see that from the little finger to the middle one, are similarly taller than each other and the fourth and thumb gradually reduce in length. Every matter in this world goes upward to a certain extent, then it recedes eventually. Whether it is like happiness, luck or gaining, the nature teach this principle through the gesture of hands – The Chinmudra. 
  • Sri.Ayyappa, squatting over the Peedam with his right hand in Chinmudra declares this:- “I am the Sath, Chith and Ananda. I am the soul embodied. I immerse myself in the spiritual blissfulness. I am free from the three blemishes of this World. Whoever confronts me, I am revealed as Ananda Swarupa. I will provide him the blessing of AthmaJnana and mental power and he will enjoy all the pleasures, plentiness and calmness form the past, in the present and in the future”. Therefore, a devotee who is willing to go to see Ayyappa should have Brahma Chariya nishta, Athma Jnana and voluntary avowed experience, at least for a Mandala”.

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